To suit our clients different needs, Parking Control Co., Ltd., has introduced 3 control systems: PCS-SV1, PCS-SV2, and PCS-SV3.

1. PCS-SV1

PCS-SV1 is a basic system which is suitable for a small business. It functions as a cash register following the charge rate of the business. The system also records the number of arriving and leaving cars, and parking fees collected at each PCS-SV1 station.
The working process of PCS-SV1 is as follows:
1. When a car arrives, the SV1 will:
- print a slip-in indicating both date and time of arrival
- add 1 to the number of car coming-in
2. When a car leaves, the SV1 will
- print a slip-out indicating date and time of arrival, date and time of leaving, and parking fee
- add 1 to the number of car going-out

2. PCS-SV2

PCS-SV2 is suitable for a medium-size business. It is more efficient than SV1 that it can assess the recorded data and report to the company. SV2 could also interface with, for example, photo switch, bar code reader, and boom gate, to enhance the speed and accuracy of working process.

3. PCS-SV3

PCS-SV3 is designed to serve a big car-park business. It is the network of PCS-SV2. The micro-computer system will register only the data of arriving cars at the in-gate, and register only the data of leaving cars at the out-gate, but all these data are connected and recorded in the same data-base. Therefore, when a car leaves the car-park, the fee collector will know immediately the data of its arrival, and could calculate the fee right away, and it could also produce a current state report.

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